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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the home inspection take?


In order to have time to do a proper inspection, the general rule of thumb is expected that the home inspection will last about one hour for every 1,000 square feet of house space. Actual time required may vary depending on the number of problems or concerns the inspection discovers,and/or various other factors. Since Migliori Inspections provides you with a free walk through and debrief upon completion of the inspection, you should anticipate adding the time it will take to explain our findings to you, and answer any questions you may have.This typically takes approximately 30-45 minutes. For example, a 2,000 square foot home would normally take between 2.5 and 3.0 hours total time.



How much does it cost?


Costs can vary amongst home inspection companies. Most inspectors will attempt to determine the time they think it will take to inspect the house and, write the report. The total cost varies with the time it takes for the inspection. And, this time will vary depending on the square footage, age of the house, location, type of foundation, and a combination of various other factors. 

If a house is a “Pier and Beam” type foundation (which will require an inspector to crawl under the house for part of the inspection), you can expect to pay a surcharge, depending on the size and age of the house and the difficulty involved. In some instances, the space under the house is too small for an inspector to safely crawl underneath.

A lawn "Sprinkler System" is also an optional system to which additional charges may apply. Normally there is no charge for houses with lawn sizes of 1/4 acre or less (11,000 square feet). Above that, a surcharge may apply, depending on the time we expect it will take to check the system.

Call us for your inspection cost quote 832-377-7187


Do I need to be present for the inspection?

No. Migliori Inspections can make all the arrangements and conduct the inspection without your presence. However, it’s always encouraged and preferable to have the client present at the end of the inspection for a walk-through and discussion of our findings.


Can you do an inspection for me even if I live out of town?


 Yes. Please refer to the above question and answer. We send all of our inspection reports via email attachment, fax, or regular mail (as you request-Note: there is an extra charge for this service). We accept cashiers check, money orders, or several credit cards making payment as easy as possible whether you reside in the Houston area or elsewhere. We can provide you with an explanation of our findings over the phone or face time via Skype or Viber. We are fully prepared to do inspections and have solutions for those problems unique to the buyer’s (or sellers’s) absence.


If I can't be there for the inspection, can I still get a review with the Inspector?


Absolutely. If you cannot be present at inspection for any reason, you can still are able to get an inspection review by phone with us.

Call: 832-377-7187

Schedule Your Inspection Today!!!

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